Nadis are the channels or energy pathways in ancient Indian medicine that carry Prana or life force throughout the body and connect at special energy points called chakras.
The term ‘Nadi’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Nad,’ which means motion, flow, or vibration. Nadis intertwine through our physical nerves as well as the subtle circuitry (yoga nadis) of the mind, of the self, of the consciousness that supports our physical presence from invisible aspects of existence, just as veins and arteries do.
To be healthy, prana must flow freely through the system; when it becomes weak or jammed, it leads to poor mental and physical health. Because painful life experiences more often consequence in blockages and, ultimately, health problems, opening up these channels is absolutely essential for our overall well-being.
The body is filled with an untold number of Nadis. According to Tantric wisdom, there are 72,000 Nadis in the human body, 14 of which are principal nadis, with Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala being the most important
Ida nadi
Ida nadi, associated with moon energy, represents the feminine side of our personalities and is frequently depicted in white. In Chinese philosophy, it is also known as the Yin element. Because it is connected with emotions, feelings, and memories, Ida regulates the function of the parasympathetic nervous system, which calms the mind and body.
Tiredness, depression, introversion, and an inability to see things clearly can take over if Ida becomes too strong or dominant.
Pingala nadi
Pingala is connected with sun energy, represents the masculine aspect of our personality and regulates the sympathetic nervous system, and enhances physical and mental activity and planning. The logical, rational, and analytical intellect is influenced by Pingala Nadi. In Chinese philosophy, Pingala is also understood as the Yang element.
Due to the hustle and restless lifestyle, when Pingala is overused, we may have difficulty sleeping or concentrating, or we may become nervous, irritable, and impulsive.
Ida and Pingala begin and end to the left and right of the Sushumna, moving in spirals similar to the DNA helix, crossing at each chakra or energy portal.
Sushumna Nadi
The word Sushumna signifies the ultimate bliss and undisturbed state of mind.
The awareness of self-breath is of primordial importance for the awakening of Sushumna. This state of blissful mind can be achieved only when the breath flows through both nostrils undisturbed, balanced, and with ease.
As Kundalini energy, the internal primal evolved force awakens through the practice of yoga and meditation, it travels upward through the central energy channel known as Sushumna nadi, which runs from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.
The Ida and Pingala nadis must be balanced and clear in order for the Sushumna nadi to open and flow freely. As a result, the purification of all three nadis is crucial for overall health, the well-being of the body and mind, as well as for experiencing spiritual growth
What happens to our system during the tetra breathwork?
During the tetra, breathwork uses certain types of breathing that send life force to the system that opens the pathways (nadis) that allow us to release any blockages in our body. During the process of breathwork, you might experience some or a lot of sensations and some emotions rise sometimes it’s pleasant or unpleasant, it’s very crucial we allow all kinds of sensations to let them be and not hold on to them.
Explanation in Tamil: